Degg has been active in the music business for almost 4 decades. When he first started, in the mid 70’s, he was predominantly a drummer and percussionist. His world in those days consisted of prog rock, big hair, posing, Genesis, Yes, King Crimson, Pink Floyd and not forgetting an inexcusable supply of cheese cloth tops and beads – wonderful!
He has never lost his passion for that genre of music but through time he's embraced many other styles thus enabling his own style to developed. Degg describes his music as being melodic, precise and yet simple. It is full of heart, honesty, and some really great grooves. Someone once said that he played the kit rather than hit it and I know what they mean. Drummers often get accused of not being musicians - not Degg; his abundant musicianship is plain to hear. He is one of the few drummers that can convey life, feeling, emotion and character in his playing.
Not only is Degg a fantastic drummer he is also a very talented lyricist. He has always loved lyric writing and while his words have been used in songs written by bands that he has played in over the years, he only started writing his own material 6 years ago. Creating songs has since become Degg's total passion. He now works in a close collaboration with his friend of over 40 years, Ian Saiger, as well creating solo works with the freedom and solitude provided by his self-built home recording studio.
Songwriting has always come very easily to Degg. His writing process begins with a very simple chord structure and melody, it then develops into a powerful groove with a percussive heart through the power of today's musical technology. He currently works with Cubase 6 and although he has embraced modern technology over the recent year’s he gives the following warning, “all remains real only if it’s yourself that kicks the technology and not the other way around. Remain honest – keep the heart.” - wise words.
Degg is currently working on completion of his first solo project. He's releasing three single at the end of July 2012 via itunes. You can hear samples of these singles, keep right up to date with his current solo works and collaborations with Ian Saiger (which will go out under the name ‘The Saiger Newman Project’), and learn of upcoming performances by visiting his website at deggnewman dot com. You may join in and post comments at these sites and Degg will reply to them all.